The Day One Fund has been expanded to help for-profit organizations in addition to non-profits, charities and foundations with personal and professional development during the COVID-19 crisis.

If you need virtual development programming—a virtual keynote, Q&A session, workshop—apply today!

Reimagining The Day One FUnd

These last few weeks have pushed us to reimagine the role we hope Day One Leadership can play in supporting those organizations hit hardest by the pandemic. We know there are a lot of you out there struggling to identify quality, affordable opportunities to support and develop your teams. That is why we’ve expanded the eligibility criteria for the Day One Fund to include everyone, not just charities, schools, and non-profits.

Why Are We Doing This?

I’ll be candid: the event and speaking industry is facing immense challenges right now. Unlike many other businesses that are cautiously re-opening, our industry will only do so when it is completely safe for you to be around one another in large groups. No event organizer or planner wants to be responsible for you getting ill due to events designed primarily to improve your social and professional lives. However, just because I’m forced to stay in one place doesn’t mean Day One as a team can’t dedicate ourselves to using our talents and tools to meet the needs of as many people as possible.

Does This Mean We’re Not Charging Fees?

No. We’ve come to learn most people aren’t necessarily looking for free services, they’re looking for recognition of their budget realities.

The Day One Fund was designed to create a pool of resources where organizations with more significant budgets can effectively “pay it forward” to other organizations with limited financial resources. While it was created with charities, schools and non-profits in mind, we feel the current situation demands we make it available to absolutely everyone. We recognize we won’t be able to support everyone who applies, but we’re committed to supporting as many of you as we can.

Book a Consultation

We here at Day One don’t know what the future holds, but we do know every day between now and then we’re going to try to create as many ‘lollipop moments’ as possible with you.

Submit the form below to set up a no-obligation consultation to assess your needs and determine if Drew is the right fit for your event. We only move forward if Drew is the right fit for your organization.

Day One Fund New Form